(of Chattels, Props and machinery)
The Wheel of Death
The Fabulous Fezheads, one 1st of May many years ago, attempted yet another death defying act. High up on Bluebell Hill, as the sun rose behind the mist, the Fabulous Fezheads called for silence as they strapped the Flying Cleggett to the Wheel of Death. The crowd watched in silence as he span round and round, and blade after blade was hurled towards him. They marveled as they thudded into the scarred wood of the wheel. The Wheel of Death still makes many outings throughout the year. See the appearances page for where we are next.
The knives used in the act are all individually forged from used Ford Fiestas that were hand chosen, and bonnets removed. These were then taken back to Fezhead Towers and stored in the old stables, part of which has been converted to Adonis Kebab’s workshop. Night after night saw Adonis silhouetted against the wild orange glow of his furnace as the bonnets were melted down and their metal tested and graded. Molten metal gradually became finely tempered steel and then balanced throwing knives.
Deep in darkest Kent at Fezhead Towers, the knives became part of the preparations for this momentous event. Those who passed near late at night heard blood-curdling screams pierce the darkness. They didn’t have to worry. This was merely the odd blade or two not quite missing Pete. Still, practice made perfect . . . almost.
This is a dangerous Act performed by trained experts PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.
Blind Ned and Knife Throwing.
We do not know the details of Blind Ned’s brief attempt at a knife act but we do know he met Chopper Smith when they performed together at the Liverpool Empire in 1934.
But by then Ned’s eyesight was deteriorating (he was already blind in one eye) and it seemed a strange decision to take up Knife Throwing.
Anyway, there was an unspecified accident involving Buddy Boy the Baboon, after which Ned abandoned throwing in favour of escapology, with Chopper returning to the USA the following year.
Some may remember Chopper Smith on the Johnny Carson show in the early sixties when he performed his lasso and rope trick.
He was by then an old man and Buddy Boy the Baboon was long gone, but the magic was still there.
Chopper also made the cover of TIME magazine shortly before his demise (he bled to death) in 1969.
“Frank” Canon

The Amazing “Frank” Cannon made his debut once again on the 1st May at dawn on BlueBell Hill, Rochester, Kent.
Designed and built around the Incredible Flying Cleggett to exacting standards, Frank was custom made and features pieces from original First World War cannons.
Amid the hushed dawn gathering, Frank attempted to fire the Incredible Flying Cleggett across the arena and into the waiting safety net, held securely by The Flying Cleggett’s strong-armed compatriots.
The feat was partially successful, and parts of the Flying Cleggett did indeed make it across the arena.

Luckily, the Fezheads have negotiated sponsorship with a large New Zealand prosthetics company who are keen to break into the UK plastic surgery market. As a result of this the Fabulous Fezheads are able to make repeated firings with a select few extremely gullible..sorry, brave Fezheads.
Frank makes many appearances, so be sure to come and catch us (or at least a part of a flying Fezhead)
The Cabinet of Correction
As Adonis advances in years, and has trouble remembering all the very intricate dance moves, in order to maintain our professional and polished performances we sometimes need to put him into the cabinet for dance ability correction.
This involves putting 6ft plus Adonis Kebab into a similar size cabinet. He is then sawn in half by our very own Dr Carnage. An amazing feat I’m sure you will agree, but the next stage of the “correction” will leave you absolutely astonished.
The Sarcophagus of Dhoom (pronounced Dhoom)
The current one being used is a replica of the one originally used by Blind Ned in his early stage act. We were lucky to discover an old photograph amongst The Flying Clegget’s family documents. Five Fezheads in a dusty attic were transformed when it was discovered; all of a sudden there was purpose and a further link was possible with our mentor. Immediate plans were made to re-create the sarcophagus in all its glory, and we think you’ll agree we have succeeded.
The Bayonets of Baghdad
These are based on first world war standard British Army issue bayonets. They are obviously slightly elongated to facilitate the carefully planned and enacted moves of the sword dance, but are as faithful as possible. Luckily despite their length and sharpness, the dexterity and expertise of the Fezheads have ensured that fatalities have been kept to a minimum, or at least to the audience.
The Rug of Amoc
This is a valuable hand woven Rug from Amoc, Morroco. It is unique in that the weavers had never before dealt with Finest British Nylon Tufts. We think you’ll agree that their perseverance paid off.